Neuron ESB User Network

The Service Bus for the Connected Business

I have 24 gig of memory on my machine and Neuron has been using 13+.  How can I get it to quit grabbing all my memory?  With it running I'm using 91% of memory for all apps and when I shut it down it drops to 38%.  That's a boatload of memory to use on my development box!

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Hi Don. That's pretty unusual and might mean that there's a memory leak somewhere in your system. It's hard to specifically say what the issue is without more information.

If possible, can you do the following:

  1. Download Procdump from Microsoft's website:
  2. Run Neuron ESB and reproduce the high memory situation.
  3. In a command prompt window, run: procdump -ma ESBService. This will capture a memory dump of the ESBService process.
  4. The memory dump file is likely to be big. It's a snapshot of the memory that the ESBService.exe process is using. Please compress it into a ZIP file. It should compress to a couple of hundred megabytes.
  5. Upload the compressed memory dump to
  6. Please also send us the sos.dll and mscordacwks.dll files from your C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 directory. We may need these files to read the memory dump.

As soon as you send us those files, we can open the memory dump and take a look to see what is holding onto the memory and why its not being garbage collected.

Please let me know if you have further questions.

a lot of how we use memory is determined by the transports of the topics and how they are tuned, as well as message rate and message size...and if messages are being published consistently at a faster rate than the subscribers can handle.

There are throttles that can be applied on the client connectors as well as the topics. These throttles should be based on the number of CPUs/Cores allocated to the machine.  The settings are max concurrent sessions, max concurrent instances and max concurrent calls.  There should be text descriptions on all these that provide the basic formula for tuning given the specifics of your machine 


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