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How do I use the DataContractSerializer in message.GetBody<>()

I'm using Neuron I'm trying to create a custom adapter. In the SendToEndpoint method I am trying to extract the message body using the following:

var messageBody = message.GetBody<Contracts.TransmissionRequest>(); 

TransmssionRequest is decorated with the DataContract attribute and it's properties are decorated with the DataMember attribute.

When I use the Neuron Test Client to send an object the GetBody call exceptions because one of the TransmissionRequest properties implements IDictionary. I understand that the xml serializer doesn't serialize IDictionary and there is plenty of knowledge around the Internet to solve that. My question is how do I force the DataContractSerializer to be used?

The documentation for the ESBMessage.Body property states:

Objects will be serialized in the following manner:

Any help would be appreciated.

Tags: adapter, datacontract, messaging, serialization

Views: 541

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Hi Jon. Can you share the source code for TransmissionRequest so that I can try to reproduce the issue in my development environment? If you don't want to share it publicly, you can email it to me at


Michael Collins
Neuron Support

Here is the calling code from the Adapter. The TransmissionRequest is attached. The RaiseAdapterLog method is a custom method because the RaiseAdapterInfo and RaiseAdapterError methods from ESBAdapterBase don't write to the Windows event log.

public override async void SendToEndpoint(ESBMessage message, CommittableTransaction tx)
RaiseAdapterLog(ErrorLevel.Info, "Before GetBody");
RaiseAdapterLog(ErrorLevel.Info, message.Text);
var messageBody = message.GetBody<Contracts.TransmissionRequest>();
RaiseAdapterLog(ErrorLevel.Info, "After GetBody");

var transmissionRequest = Mapper.Map<Adapter.TransmissionRequest>(messageBody);

var result = await SendMessageAsync(transmissionRequest);

if (message.Header.Semantic == Semantic.Request)
var replyMessage = message.CreateReplyMessage();

var responseMessage = new ESBMessage(this.PublishTopic, result);
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMessage = "Error in SendToEndpoint - Details: " + GetExceptionMessages(ex);

RaiseAdapterLog(ErrorLevel.Error, errorMessage);

if (message.Header.Semantic == Semantic.Request)
var replyMessage = message.CreateReplyMessage();

var responseMessage = new ESBMessage(this.PublishTopic, errorMessage);


1. Can you copy/paste the exception into a reply so that I can see the error?

2. For the collection types (IDictionary and IEnumerable), what are the concrete types that you are using for the collections?

I tried a simple program using your data contracts, but it's working for me and I can see that the DataContractSerializer is being used:

class Program
  static void Main()
    var transmissionRequest = new TransmissionRequest
      ClickTracking = true,
      EnvironmentFrom = "test",
      Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "hello", "world!" }, { "goodbye", "world!" } },
      OpenTracking = true,
      Recipients = new List<Recipient>
        new Recipient
          Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
          RecipientAddress = new RecipientAddress { EmailId = "1", EnvironmentFrom = "test" },
          SubstitutionData = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
          Tags = new List<string> { "hello", "test" }
      SubstitutionData = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "substitute", "me" } },
      TemplateContent = new EmailMessage()

    var message = new ESBMessage(transmissionRequest);
    var newTransmissionRequest = message.GetBody<TransmissionRequest>();

It's working now. I missed the xml namespace in the message I was sending.

<TransmissionRequest xmlns="" xmlns:i="">


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