I'm trying to add a metadata url as a service under process steps but when I test the process to verify if the webservice is getting called it throws an error "Aborted: metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved."
The webservice metadata url is not written in .NET. It is from a 3rd party vendor.
Has anyone experienced this and what would be the recommended solution?
Sorry for the delay in responding. Can you reply and attach the WSDL that you were trying to use for the remote service?
Hi Michael:
The webservice is in one of the internal servers within our network so the wsdl wont be accessible from outside.
This webservice is a 3rd party product called Informatica. I've read from some forum that you have to include
mexHttpBinding but this is not a WCF service so there's no way for us to make that change. We can consume it directly from a .NET client application but we're
having issues when calling the webservice within Neuron.
I'm having exactly the same issue trying to load the WSDL for the Dynamics CRM 4 CrmService.
This again is not a WCF Service but a classic ASMX. Are classic ASMX Services Supported?
I note that a good portion of the documentation shipped with 3.0.3 is actually recycled from earlier versions (up to and including some documentation that is clearly from 2.5, e.g. the CRM Workflow Adaptor in Development -> Adaptors -> Neuron Adaptors), so I'm not certain I can rely on statements there that imply they are.
Hi Michael. Calling classic ASMX services is supported. You should not have to do anything special to use them. For the services that you have chosen though, there appears to be some issue that Neuron has accessing a schema or other file that is referenced by the WSDLs that you are trying to import. Without seeing the actual WSDL, it's hard for me to tell you what the issue is.
Have you reviewed the WSDL data that you are trying to import from Neuron. Do you see any imports for other WSDL files or XSD files? Can the Neuron server access those URLs? If there's a connectivity issue or security issue when Neuron attempts to download the referenced documents, Neuron will not be able to import the WSDL document and generate the service definition.
The WSDL for the Dynamics CRM Web Services is attached - for fairly obvious reasons I can't do anything with it, given it's supplied as-is by Microsoft.
There don't appear to be any issues accessing that server, or even those services, given that the CRM Subscription Adaptor is working fine (and that uses them, under the hood).
There are numerous external import references, the vast majority of which are to Microsoft Schemas, with the two internal ones (lines 20741/20744) being the same as the actual reference for the WSDL itself. Both the User logged in, and the user that runs the ESB Services are CRM System Administrators and Local Administrators on the Server.
What binding do the service connectors use that were creating using this WSDL?
I haven't tried setting up a Service Endpoint under connections yet (that was coming next). Basically this is simply where I am trying to specify an endpoint URL for a "Service" Step in a Process.
I'm not sure we would need to define any Service Endpoints (assuming we can use the Subscription and Publishing Adaptors).
Hi Michael O.
The workaround in my case was to use the service url within the Service step process. I was using the metadata url property but I seem to be having issues with the size of the wsdl. I removed the wsdl link and used the service url directly and that worked for me.
Hope this helps,
Mike V
The problem you are experiencing is indeed with the size of the WSDL from the service you want to call. When the metadata option is selected, the Service Step downloads the WSDL at runtime (yes, for each execution of the Process). When doing this, the Service Step utilizes the default settings of the basicHttp binding, which has a maxReceivedMessageSize of 65536. So if your WSDL is larger than that, it fails. I know the exception is misleading, but that’s what WCF is giving us L Unfortunately there is currently no way for us to override that setting without a code change in Neuron (which we may do).
My recommendation is to NOT use the metadata option on the Service Step. I know it’s simpler, but you just need to put the Service URL, Action and the BindingName. For most, the BindingName will be basicHttpBinding. If the default settings for the binding are not sufficient, you’ll need to add a binding configuration to the config file, and then set the BindingConfigurationName to the name of the binding you added. You’d add this to esbservice.exe.config. If you plan to test the Service Step using the Process tester you would also need to add the binding configuration to the NeuronExplorer.exe.config file. By not using the metadata option you are making the Service Step more performant.
Let us know if you have any further questions,
That worked for me too :) - though in fact I've found another workaround using a Helper DLL to wrap the service references, then simply using Code steps.
That has that added advantage of hiding some of the complexities with establishing connectivity with CRM.
Now if I can get the Publishing Adapter working, we will be cooking with gas . . .
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