Neuron ESB User Network

The Service Bus for the Connected Business

Hello, I was hoping to find a sample or some direction in designing a custom MSMQ adapter. I know there is a built in MSMQ adapter, but I would like to design one that provides several additional properties as defined below. I have looked at the sample Log Adapter in the samples directory, but I am not sure how to adapt its purpose to what I have intended.

Additional properties desired:

  1. Administration Que : Ability to define an administration que that can receive administration events.
  2. Administration Que Acknowledge Type : What type of events are desired in the admin queue.
  3. Dead Letter Queue : Whether or not to use the dead letter que or not.
  4. Multiple Destination Addresses : This would allow the person defining the adapter to specify 1 to N destination addresses to allow the adapter to send to as many queues as desired. These addresses should be capable of being bound to the environment variables.

More information on multiple addresses: Multiple-Element Format Names

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is this intended to be a "Send" only adapter...or do you also want it to monitor a queue?  The Adapter Framework also ships as a sample and is pretty well documented.  have you looked at that yet?

Martin, yes it is intended to be a send only adapter. It will essentially be a one to many send adapter. I have looked into the "Neuron ESB v3\Samples\CustomAdapters" but only saw the log adapter. Is the Adapter Framework under another folder? I am looking around now but I am not sure I am seeing any sample that looks like what you mentioned.

I apologize as I am pretty new to Neuron. I tend to try to be more self sufficient but am not very well versed in the Neuron API as of yet. I know exactly how to code this in C#, just not sure how to do so with Neuron. :D

Neuron ESB Adapter framework is located under the Custom Adapters folder in the Samples Browser within the Neuron Explorer.  What build of Neuron are you using?

I am not in charge of the Neuron Server and have no control over the upgrades. I have been told we are a few versions behind and on Is there any way you could zip up this sample up and share it with me?

I am not in charge of the Neuron Server and its upgrades. I have been told we are a couple versions behind and are on 

Is there any way you could zip up this sample and share it with me?

NOTE: This might end up being a double post. I re-posted this after failing to be able to see this comment for many minutes.

3.0.3 I don't think is officially supported any longer. I don't think we actually shipped the adapter framework with 3.0.3.  however the log adapter sample should work.  I'll take a look at it

Marty, I have been told we have a 3.5 version upgrade on the horizon, but the team responsible has been backed up. If I were to install this temporarily to extract the samples code out could I use the 3.5 sample and adapt it for 3.0.3?

Unfortunately I was not able to download the 3.5 version as our firewall is tightly controlled and all executable downloads are blocked. So I will have to find another way to retrieve the newer samples.

Hopefully the other team that is in charge of the Neuron Server has it downloaded somewhere.

Marty just to keep you up to date I was able to get our helpdesk to download the 3.5.3 installation for me. I have installed it and I am going through it now. At first blush it appears more complicated than I was looking for. I was looking for something a little more detailed than this and something not nearly as detailed as the adapter framework for a sample. I will try to work with it.

I really would love to start off with the current default msmq adapter as a sample if that would be at all possible.

Thanks for your help.

if you want, we can setup a concall and I can go over the adapter framework so you know exactly what you need to do

Wow. That would be incredibly useful Marty. I will email you shortly.

Marty, sent you a couple emails. Just curious if they made their way to you.


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