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I have some hefty XSLT mappings to do and some of them share quite a bit of code. Thus I would prefer to reuse parts of the transformation logic, preferrable using xsl:include or xsl:import. It works outside Neuron, but so far I've had no success when importing the code in Neuron repository. Any chance this might work in Neuron?

//søren d.

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We have this support in the XML schema validation, but it appears that it is not currently implemented in the XSLT pipeline step or workflow activity. We should be able to add it for you.

Please submit a request to or open a support ticket to track this item. We should be able to get you a new build with this support added.

Michael Collins
Neuron ESB Support


How soon might I get my hands on this? A prerelease will do just fine for now.

I'm making the change for you right now. I should have it ready this afternoon.

Thank you so much, Michael! It just works ;) 

Has this feature been released and integrated to the last release?

I am currently working on the, but I am facing some problem using include/import statement.

The XSLT work fine outside neuron, but when executed through Neuron it fails:

1) The "Test XSLT" functions returns a generic "Compile error"

2) a XSLT transformation step inside a process fails as it seems to be looking for the xslt file in the main instance directory (Aborted: XSLT compile error. : Neuron.Pipelines.PipelineException: XSLT compile error. ---> System.Xml.Xsl.XslLoadException: XSLT compile error. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Neudesic\Neuron ESB v3\<instance_name>)

Am I doing something wrong? The main file was created thorugh Neuron, while the included was not (it is not necessary) but it was placed in the same /xslt directory.

I have tried creating also the included from Neurion but the result is the same.

Any tips on what might be the problem?

Thank you very much


According to the latest release not, there was an enhancement to allow relative schema import in the format

<xsd:import schemaLocation="esb:Account_sObject" namespace="" />

This however would work only inside neuron and would fine with any other external tool.

Wouldn't it be possible to use relative path both for xsd and xsl import/include?

You can use a relative path, but it's going to be relative to the installation/execution directory for Neuron. The .NET Framework looks up relative paths based on the working directory for the process. If you go this route, you'll need to make sure that you are deploying your include files to the right location.

The best approach is to add all of your schemas and style sheets to the Neuron configuration and use the "esb:" prefix to load them.

Hi Michael,

thanks for the reply.

Both the solutions however have disadvantages... the first one is more reusable and allow to edit the schema/xslt with external tools but requires more attention during the deploy and force to split the configuration files in multiple places, while the second imply to modify the schema every time you switch from Neuron to an external editor...

Are you considering some feature in the next release to overcome these limitation?



Hi Fabrizio. I apologize for the delayed response. I did not see your reply until late last week and didn't get a chance to reply immediately. There currently isn't anything in the works to fix this, but I'll take a look at it this week to see if there's something that we can add for you to make this work. I'll get back to you after I've had a chance to do a little research.

Hi Michael,

thanks . Right now we are just using both the notation, switching from neuron esb: prefix to standard import whenever we want to modify the file externally.

It can cause errors when the file is not set back to the neuron notation but as a workaround it can work.

Let me know if you have any news.



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